Lodging for courses at The Dragon’s Egg :

The venue address is, 401 Shewville Rd, Ledyard, CT 06339.

Sonder supports students in finding accommodations with this shared spreadsheet that past Sonder students have populated with info/links to past airbnb’s and vrbo’s they’ve found near the Egg. Sonder also connects participants with each other, in service of them procuring their own accommodations. We do not arrange or provide accommodations for lodging, rides, or meals. See below for more info.

Lodging is available in the area through websites like AirBnB, vrbo, etc. After you register for a course, we’ll put you in touch with other Sonder students so you can coordinate sharing accommodations and rides.

There is a limited amount of loft space for lodging available at The Dragon’s Egg - five beds and one shower. Reach out for more info on the logistics of staying at The Egg (if there’s spots available). If the Egg is full, please email sonder@sonderma.com to be put on a waiting list for potential openings.

Transportation to the Dragon’s Egg in Ledyard, CT:

If you’re flying, there’s three feasible airports. T.F. Green airport in Providence, RI is the closest with a 40 minute drive. Bradley International airport in Hartford, CT is a 75 minute drive. Boston Logan airport is a 2 hour drive. Boston Logan will have more options for direct flights likely.

Car rentals are available through all three airports. We also set up google groups for attendees to communicate about ride sharing and other resourcing. Amtrak runs between all three of those cities to Mystic, CT which is minutes from Ledyard, CT. You can check those resources here.

If you have any questions regarding transportation or housing, please contact Theresa: theresa@sonderma.com